Fueling Your Kid's Growth and Development Through Play!

Between the hustle and bustle of parenting, there’s a secret sauce that not only adds joy and happiness to your kids life, but also helps them develop key skills: PLAY! At Upbounders®, we're all about unlocking the power of play with toys and games that ignite imagination and spread joy. But there's more to it than just fun and games – playtime isn't just entertaining, it's a secret superhero cape for your child's growth!


the science of play: backed by research

Studies show that play isn't just about having a good time; it's like a power-up for your kiddo's brain, boosting everything from creativity to problem-solving skills and even developing your child's emotional intelligence. We at Upbounders prioritize this growth and development through our toys and want you to do the same so check out a few of the ways play can help your little one’s learn!


Developing Emotional IQ with our Imagination

Ever wonder how your little one navigates the rollercoaster of emotions? Play is their trusty sidekick! Whether they're hosting all their cuddly friends at a fancy tea party, or taking them on an epic adventure across the world, playtime is where they flex their imagination AND emotional muscles. Research shows that kids who engage in imaginative play develop better emotional regulation skills – that's like having a built-in superhero shield against tantrums!


A Sense of Belonging in the Toybox

In our world of play, every kiddo gets a front-row seat! Our toys celebrate the beautifully diverse world of today's kids, making sure every child feels like they belong. Research even suggests that when kids see themselves represented in their toys, it boosts their self-esteem and sense of belonging – talk about superpowered playtime!


Using Play as a Language Launchpad

Did you know that playtime isn't just fueling their imagination; it's also leveling up their language skills? Yep, research says that kids who engage in imaginative play tend to have bigger vocabularies and better communication skills. Even better, if they are playing with YOU, they are benefiting from your language skills. Research also shows that one of the top 3 indicators of language development is how much speech children receive from the world around them. Looks like enjoying playtime with your kids is the secret recipe for raising little wordsmiths!


flexing the Mental Health Muscle with PLAY!

In a world where mental health is so important– helping your kids learn resilience, problem-solving, and how to bounce back from life's curveballs is crucial. Research shows that that’s exactly what is possible through play – kids who play regularly tend to be happier and less stressed. So, let the playtime adventures begin – it's like giving your kiddo a daily dose of joy!


Let Your Little Explorers Soar

While team play is awesome, we also champion solo adventures! Our toys are designed to empower little explorers to take the reins and chart their own course. Because hey, solo play isn't just about fun; it's where kids learn to trust their instincts, solve problems, and unleash their inner superheroes!


Ready to dive into the playful world of Upbounders®?

Come join the party where every toy is a ticket to adventure, learning, and endless fun! Let's make playtime the highlight reel of your kiddo's day – because when they play, they're not just having fun; they're unleashing their superpowers!

Don't just take our word for it – check out these articles and research studies that dive deeper into the magic of play!

Research & Resources:
